ChloĂ© ⹉ Ircam v2 – The Dawn (interactive mix)

Our second collaboration with ChloĂ© is an interactive installation that restages her EP The Dawn as an interactive experience using smartphones. The players collectively create their own mix of ChloĂ©’s composition as a function of their proximity and motion exploring musical and personal affinities.

Listening with headphones, each player embodies a single track of the mix controlled through the device’s inclination. Approaching one another, the sounds blend to a commun mix in the player’s earphones. Wandering about, each player’s mix evolves according to a unique trajectory through the encounters and interactions with others.

The installation has been shown at the opening of the Vertigo project and the Forum Workshops at Ircam in March 2017. It uses the same technology as the ProXoMix experience relying on Bluetooth beaconing to estimate the approximate distance between the participants.

🔗 ChloĂ© – The Dawn (Original Mix)

Your Smartest Choice @ Eclat Festival

Your Smartest Choice is a performance for four musicians, electronics, and an audience with smartphones by Huihui Cheng. The performance was given at the Eclat festival in Stuttgart on February 5, 2017 with members of the 2e2m ensemble.

During the performance, the audience plays games – involving colored balloons – on their smartphones using a web application using a local Wi-Fi network. The games, as well the sounds they produce through the smartphone speakers, follow the participants’ orientation towards the musicians and change with the different parts of the composition. Some of the sounds appearing on the smartphones are controlled by an additional pianist interpreting a part of the score. The result of the game performance of all participants (i.e. the number of points associated to the balloons of different colors and to the four instruments) seem to determine the end of the performance.

La plateforme CoSiMa en bĂȘta-test

Le projet ANR CoSiMa a pour objet la mise en Ɠuvre d’une plateforme auteur dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  la crĂ©ation d’expĂ©riences situĂ©es collectives avec des mobiles. A l’issue d’un processus collaboratif de conception et mise en Ɠuvre, une premiĂšre version opĂ©rationnelle de la plateforme est en phase de test.

La plateforme CoSiMa se prĂ©sente sous la forme d’un service SaaS permettant de crĂ©er un projet diffusĂ© simultanĂ©ment sur de multiples supports : mobile, iOT, serveur, desktop… L’utilisateur accĂšde Ă  un ensemble de ressources et fonctionnalitĂ©s lui permettant de prototyper, finaliser et diffuser son projet, sans compĂ©tence prĂ©alable en programmation. Le champs de fonctionnalitĂ©s offertes est cependant particuliĂšrement Ă©tendu :

  • Synchronisation  fine entre supports (mobile, iOT, PC…)
  • Echange de flux de donnĂ©es haut dĂ©bit
  • Son 3D
  • GĂ©olocalisation indoor/outdoor
  • SynthĂšse sonore
  • RĂ©alitĂ© augmentĂ©e 3D

Pour participer Ă  la phase de bĂȘta-test, contactez-nous :

Continue reading La plateforme CoSiMa en bĂȘta-test

ProXoMix @ ESBA Le Mans

ProXoMix is the prototype of an interactive installation where participants equipped with mobile devices remix a piece composed of complementary loops by moving in an empty space. Up to 24 participants embody and control each one track rendered over earphones. A lowpass filter allow them to modulate the timbre and presence of the looped track by tilting the mobile device. When two or more participants (i.e. their mobile devices) come closer to each other, their tracks and its modulation appears in each other’s earphones.

The installation allows for collaboratively performing mixes of the tracks creating social-musical assemblies and spontaneous choreographies. The mobile application uses Bluetooth beaconing to estimate the distance between the mobile devices.

The originality of the installation lies in the entanglement of social and musical affordances as well as in the collaborative embodiment of the notion of (re)-mixing it creates. In the installation, space becomes an interface. But other than in geolocated sound applications, the space in ProXoMix is not predefined. It is structured by – and actually unfolds through – the spatial relationships (i.e. distance and relative orientation) between the participants.

A first version of the has been shown during the CoSiMa workshop at the ESBA Le Mans in September 2017.

JournĂ©es d’études @ ESBA Le Mans

Les 21 et 22 septembre 2016, les Ă©quipes de l’IRCAM (Institut de recherche coordination et musique), de l’EnsadLab (École nationale supĂ©rieure des arts dĂ©coratifs), des sociĂ©tĂ©s ID scĂšnes, Orbe, No Design et l’ESBA TALM – Le Mans (École supĂ©rieure des beaux-arts Tours Angers Le Mans) se retrouvent pour deux journĂ©es d’études qui seront aussi l’occasion de prĂ©sentations publiques.

À l’occasion de la mise en Ɠuvre de plusieurs rĂ©alisations produites dans le cadre du programme de recherche CoSiMa, Grande Image Lab, programme de recherche au sein de l’ESBA TALM-Le Mans, organise deux journĂ©es d’études qui rĂ©unissent des acteurs et proposent des prĂ©sentations publiques. Elles rendent compte de l’état de travaux menĂ©s au croisement de la conception et du dĂ©veloppement d’outils numĂ©riques spĂ©cifiques, de dispositifs et d’enjeux artistiques sonores et visuels originaux. Les journĂ©es d’étude se dĂ©rouleront les mercredi 21 et jeudi 22 septembre Ă  l’École supĂ©rieure des beaux-arts du Mans en plusieurs temps.

Mercredi 21 en fin d’aprĂšs-midi et en soirĂ©e, le public est invitĂ© Ă  participer Ă  deux temps d’expĂ©rimentation d’Ɠuvres interactives participatives originales dans le hall de l’École supĂ©rieure des beaux-arts du Mans. Les sessions sont librement accessibles Ă  tous. L’organisation est assurĂ©e par Grande Image Lab (coordination technique et scientifique Christophe Domino) avec l’équipe et le soutien de TALM.

‱ de 17h30 à 19h
ProXoMix (titre de travail), expérience développée par Norbert Schnell, David Poirier- Quinot et Benjamin Matuszewski (IRCAM)
Elle permettra aux participants munis d’un smartphone avec des Ă©couteurs de remixer la musique Ă  partir des boucles en s’approchant et en s’éloignant dans l’espace.

‱ de 20h Ă  22h30, en programmation alternĂ©e
EspaceEspace de Dominique Cunin (EnsadLab)
Centon digital de Christophe Domino (Grande Image Lab, TALM).
Interactions dans l’espace 3D temps rĂ©el

Les travaux en cours et les rĂ©alisations s’attachent Ă  diffĂ©rents mode de participation liĂ©s Ă  la localisation des participants ou Ă  leur action par l’intermĂ©diaire de terminaux personnels. Le dispositif de projection et d’interaction permet de naviguer dans un espace virtuel sonore et visuel en 3D temps rĂ©el.
Avec EspaceEspace, une navigation dans une maquette 3D de l’école elle-mĂȘme, projetĂ©e Ă  Ă©chelle 1, est proposĂ©e. Les participants contribuent Ă  des dĂ©placements dans l’espace, et partagent des sensations et perceptions singuliĂšres. Avec Centon digital, il s’agit d’une lecture performĂ©e d’un texte qui se constitue par sĂ©lection de mot par les participants. Le texte engage peu Ă  peu Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir aux situations crĂ©Ă©s par les outils numĂ©riques et aux nouveaux contextes qu’ils produisent.

88 Fingers @ JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016

88 Fingers is a concert performance in which up to 88 participants in the audience perform on an automatized piano (i.e. a YAMAHA Disklavier) via their mobile devices. The piano is presented in the performance space as if it would be the instrument of a solo performer (e.g. on stage or in the center of a gallery space). Apart from the web-based system that allows the players to select a single key of the piano and to play it during the concert the concept of the performance does not impose any further constraints.
The performance establishes a metaphor of a free and responsible society.

At the beginning of the performance, the participants are asked to connect their mobile devices to a local Wi-Fi net- work and visit a web page using a web browser. When entering the web page, the participants are prompted to select a single key they will control during performance among the remaining available keys (see below on the left). When 88 players have selected a key, further connections will be refused. The players who successfully claimed a key, enter the performance interface shown below on the right.

The interface allows for triggering the selected key — shown in the bottom left — by touching the screen. The key is triggered without perceivable latency when the player places a finger on the screen and is released when the finger is removed. The initial vertical touch position determines the velocity.

A first 10-minute performance of 88 Fingers has been given at an cultural event of the JEP-TALN-RECITAL conference on speech processing in the concert hall of the Centre Pompidou in July 2016. The 88 participants where among an audience of about 250 people.

Collective Mobile Mapping @ Montpellier Danse

À l’occasion de l’ouverture de la 36e Ă©dition du festival Montpellier Danse, EnsadLab, idscenes et le festival vous conviait Ă  faire l’expĂ©rience d’un dispositif interactif collectif et immersif inĂ©dit les jeudi 23 juin de 13h Ă  17h, vendredi 24 et samedi 25 juin de 11h Ă  17h, salle BĂ©jart Agora (18 Rue Sainte-Ursule, Montpellier).

Montpellier Danse a accueilli, dans la salle BĂ©jart de l’Agora, l’évĂ©nement Collective Mobile Mapping Montpellier, rĂ©unissant les Ɠuvres de Dominique Cunin et Christophe Domino sous forme de sessions alternĂ©es et complĂ©mentaires. Espace Puissance Espace, de Dominique Cunin, trouve son origine dans la projection immersive du modĂšle 3D d’un espace architectural sur lui-mĂȘme.

Les spectateurs sont invitĂ©s Ă  contrĂŽler collectivement cette grande image Ă  l’aide de leurs smartphones.
Les murs bougent, on entre dans l’épaisseur et l’intimitĂ© du bĂątiment. Centon Digital est un jeu de sens et de lecture, oĂč le joueur sĂ©lectionne des mots ou des sĂ©quences de mots qui s’additionnent pour former un texte projetĂ©. Tous les murs deviennent Ă©cran, la frontalitĂ© d’une projection « classique » disparaĂźt pour laisser la place Ă  une immersion du spectateur dans la projection textuelle, Ă  une interactivitĂ© entre les joueurs eux-mĂȘmes et avec la Salle BĂ©jart.

Un projet idscĂšnes, organisĂ© par EnsadLab, le laboratoire de l’École nationale supĂ©rieure des Arts DĂ©coratifs—Paris, Grande Image Lab, ESBA TALM-Le Mans et avec le concours de l’Esbama Montpellier.

CoSiMa Sonar Innovation Challenge @ Sonar+D

CoSiMa has participated at the Sonar+D international conference on creativity and technology of the Sonar music festival in Barcelone with a Sonar Innovation Challenge. A team of 5 musicians, designers, and developers – formed over a month before the event – has worked two and a half days on a music application dedicated to a public interacting collaboratively through their smartphones. The web-based application has been developed with the Soundworks framework.

SIC-app-weatherThe resulting application is Weather, a performance for a DJ and a public participating through their smartphones. As usual in performances based on the Soundworks framework, participants connect their smartphones to the local CoSiMa Wi-Fi network and visit the web page of the Weather application. Once connected to the application, the participants can play with four gestures to switch between different weather states that are associated to different sound textures and visualizations generated on their mobile devices: (1.) Touching the screen generates the bird chirps of a sunny afternoon, (2.) swaying and tilting the device generates wind, (3.) shaking it softly generates a rain sound and rain drops on the screen, and (4.) shaking it harder generates thunder sounds and lightning on screen.

The sound generated by the participants creates a sound textures distributed over the audience. The current weather states of all clients are collected on the server to generate a weather profile that controls visuals on a public display and environmental sounds on the PA. In addition, the weather profile is interpreted by a DJ playing live electronic music in dialog with the audience’s sound textures.

The five CoSiMa SIC challengers who developed the Weather performance are Matthew Bethancourt, Andrés Ferraro, JP Carrascal, Chaithanya Jade, and Yuli Levtov.

NĂŒ Soundworks

🔗 NĂŒÂ Soundworks project website

The objective of the NĂŒ framework is to give composers control over the speakers of spectators smartphones during a performance. Connecting their devices to a webpage broadcasted by the performer’s laptop, spectators become part of the composition: from simple sound sources to active musicians. The performer can then control the behaviours of NĂŒ modules via a Max/MSP based interface: modular units (distributed room reverb, granular synthesis, etc.) designed for live composition.